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Disclaimers & Contraindications


If you have previous work from another artist and are wanting a touch-up or correction, you will be subject to New Client or Correction pricing.

A consultation is required. You can book a consultation online or send pictures and information to our email at:

Although permanent cosmetic tattooing is effective in most cases, no guarantee can be made that a specific client will benefit from the procedure. This is the process of inserting pigment into the dermal layer of the skin and is a form of tattooing. All instruments that enter the skin or come in contact with bodily fluids are sealed and sterilized before use and disposed of after use. Cross contamination guidelines are strictly adhered to.

Generally, the results are excellent, however, a perfect result is not a realistic expectation. Usually, a touch up is needed after the healing is completed. Initially, the color will appear much more vibrant or darker compared to the end results. Usually within 5-10 days, the color will fade 30-50%, soften and look more natural. The pigment is permanent but will fade somewhat over time. It is recommended to be touched up every 1.5 to 2 years.

The manual blading Microblading Technique is NOT suitable for everyone.

Those with the conditions below will need to be aware that results may vary: 

  •  Trichotillomania-pulling disorder (due to scar tissue pigment will not retain well and will blur)

  • Use of retinol creams, Emu oils, alpha hydroxy, anti aging creams, any exfoliant (you must be off 4 weeks prior)

  • Large Pores/Oily/Severely Oily Skin (do not recommend Microblading. Suggest Powder brows)

  • Have Thyroid/Graves disease (medications cause the pigment not to retain properly)

  • Alopecia (due to change in skin & follicles, not all types of Alopecia clients are candidates for hair strokes )

  • If you come in with a tan (no sun 7 days before & 30 days after) pigments implanted in TAN skin WILL heal darker, appear ashy and will NOT look like hair strokes. 


Fitzpatrick skin types 1-2 Red heads/Blondes

(fair skin-light eyes)

You will be red, swollen and sometimes the pigment will not retain well and you may require additional procedures. 

Fitzpatrick skin types 3-6

Please note the hair strokes will not be as visible as on lighter skin types. 

A poster showing the fitzpatrick skin type scale


  • Under 18 years of age
  • Pregnant/nursing
  • Cosmetic or medical surgeries within the past 6 months
  • Fertility Treatments
  • Must be off of the medications 3-4 months before appointment
  • Laser removal on the eyebrows 
  • Due to scar tissue, we no longer work on clients that have had laser removal
  • Eyebrow hair transplants
  • Acutane acne medication
  • Must be off for one year)
  • Eczema or Acute/Seborrhheic Dermatitis in or around the area
  • Chronic shedding, bumps, redness, irritation or flaking of the skin in the eyebrow area
  • Super thin/vascular skin
  • MRSA-Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus 
  • Hepatitis A, B, and C
  • Heart Disease/MVP/Pacemaker
  • If you have epilepsy, hemophilia or heart disease of any kind should have a physicians approval prior to any permanent makeup procedure
  • Any type of organ transplant that requires anti-rejection medications
  • If you are knowingly under the influence of drugs or any mood altering drugs/medications YOU WILL BE CANCELED AND RESCHEDULED!
  • i.e. Valium

***If  you have any of these contraindications on the day of your appointment, your appointment will be cancelled and you will forfeit your booking fee***

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